Education in the “Bending” of the Modern Political Landscape


  • Rimma MIRUMYAN Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy Sciences of the Republic of Armenia



information society, models of modern education, principles of state education, the human dimension of education, spiritual values of the nation, anthropological crisis, intellectual consumerism


The article formulates and justifies the idea that the problem of education is a timeless and universal social problem, on the solution of which depends such things as the spiritual and moral health of a nation, the degree of its intellectual development, the limits of disclosing its creative potential, and through all this the stability of the state. The transition to an information society (the knowledge society) is reduced to the abandonment of the centuries-old tradition of the “culture of knowledge”, which destroys the existential foundations of the person who produces and consumes this knowledge. To overcome these destructive trends for modern societies, it is expedient to revive the goals of the educational system determined by the national culture, the most important of which is the education of man as a spiritual and political being.


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Author Biography

Rimma MIRUMYAN, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Rimma MIRUMYAN (Dr., Professor of Political Sciences) is a leading researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Armenia. The range of scientific interests includes issues of the history of the Armenian philosophical thought, the history of Armenian, Russian and European political thought, philosophy of history, philosophy of education, political philosophy and methodology of science. Mirumyan is the author of 7 monographs and 75 scientific articles. Latest pub-lication: ―Education as the Most Important Mechanism for Preserving the Identity of Nation in G. Ai-vazovsky‘s Philosophical and Political Concept‖.


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How to Cite

MIRUMYAN, R. (2018). Education in the “Bending” of the Modern Political Landscape. WISDOM, 11(2), 53–65.


