Linguophilosophical Aspect of Communicative Influence: Theoretical Basis




communicative influence, linguistics, philosophy, degree of intensity, suggestion, language


The article deals with the phenomenon of communicative influence, where the main attention is paid to its theoretical consideration in linguistics and philosophy. The subject of the study was the theoretical basis of communicative influence. The purpose of the proposed article is to consider communicative influence in linguophilosophical aspect. A number of research methods have been used to achieve this goal: descriptive to shed light on the nature of communicative influence; specifics of the review of influence in philosophy and linguistics; a method of analysis and synthesis for the identification of the components of communicative influence and the combination of their single complex; modeling method for constructing the degree of suggestiveness expression; the induction method served to conclude the general conclusions.

It is found that philosophers have focused their attention on the "magic" of the word when studying influence; close connection of spirit, soul with language, psychophysiological phenomena; inaccuracies and variability of interpretation of reality; language as activity, motives for action. In the linguistic aspect, in the light of new and emerging disciplines, attention is focused on the variability, imagery, associative potential of lexemes and linguistic complexes, which is a suggestogenic potential, which is analyzed at all linguistic levels. It is emphasized that language is generally a suggestive phenomenon. The authors propose to consider the impact actualizers (suggestems / suggestogens) according to the degree of suggestiveness manifestation, where implementation at two language levels is poor actualization, at three - moderate, more than three - strong.


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Author Biographies

Natalya KUTUZA, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Natalia KUTUZA(Doctor of  Sciences) is professor of Department of Applied linguistics at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Dvoryanskaya str., 2, Odessa, 65082,Ukraine.

Her areas of interest include communicative suggestion, suggestive linguistics, neurolinguistics programming, influencing aspects of advertising discourse, experimental language studies, lexicography. N. Kutuza is the author of9 monographs and 75 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Neuropsychophysiological Basis of Communicative Influence”, “The pole of advertisements in the conditions of eurointegration: influencing aspect”, “Communicative and speech influence: differentiation of concepts”,“Psychological aspects of communicative impact: theoretical dimensions“,“Communicative-speech impact: differentiation of concepts”.

Inna Kravets, Odesa National Maritime Academy

Inna KRAVETS is Senior Lecturer of department of Ukrainian Culture and Language at National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”. Didrihson str., 8, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine.

The area of interest includes suggestive linguistics, onomastics, experimental studies of the language. I. Kravets is author of 3 monographs and 13 articles. Recent publications: “The language concept of W. von Humboldt in the theory of the national picture of the world” and “Actual problems of teaching the state (ukrainian) language in a specialized school in bilingualism enviroment”.


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How to Cite

KUTUZA, N., & Kravets, I. (2020). Linguophilosophical Aspect of Communicative Influence: Theoretical Basis. WISDOM, 14(1), 45–55.


